Maddie Marszalek

Hair Stylist
Hi! My name is Madison Marszalek and I was born in the Hampton Roads area. My favorite services are men's haircuts and balayage! I have been licensed since 2016, and I have always had the passion for hair. It is a dream come true to see how far I have come in this industry.
FAVORITE BEVERAGE ORDER: Starbucks White Choc Mocha; 2 pumps vanilla and sweet cream foam on top (hot in winter, cold in summer)
PRODUCT PICK: Davnies OI milk
FREE TIME ACTIVITIES: Laying on the beach & curling up with my fur child, Winston!
INSTAGRAM HANDLE: @hairbymaddiemars
Women's Haircuts $50 Men's Haircuts $40 Childrens Haircuts $30+ Shampoo + Blowdry $40+ Color Retouch $85+ All over Color $105+ Partial Highlights $125+ Full Highlights $155+ Color + Partial HL $170+ Full Balayage $185+ Partial Balayage $180+ Extension Maintenance $250+ Mini Move Up $125 Extension Appointments require a consultation. Keratin Treatments- Express $175+ Full $300